4 Phases

There are 4 Phases in an IT Contracts Lifecycle


Each of these phases is presented to you in the form of a double edged sword.. It is a moment that represents an opportunity you can seize.. OR be seized (and immobilized) BY.. OR worst still take you into the worlds most dangerous place of all... complacency.

I guide you through each to find opportunities often missed... build alternative roadmaps to get there & leverage a network to make it possible.

PHASE 4 : Between Contracts

This is when you are sitting by the phone.. waiting for your agency to call... not hearing anything... and confusion is the SAFEST place to go because we DON'T want to HAVE to make a DECISION.

Its the 4th phase in the life cycle of a contract... its when you are on the bench.

The reason I like to start at this phase is because this is where you CAN SEIZE an incredible opportunity... OR... you can seize UP

This is the time you can
(i) Regroup - reset your compass
(ii) Fill up holes in resume - finish certs
(iii) Recharge - take a holiday, sleep in, hang out, go to the gym
(iv) Spend time with kids - pick them up from school, go fishing, play golf

OR you can SEIZE UP (be under siege.. be held HOSTAGE) by your own emotion
There are many ways you effect this
  • When you fail the first interview - you can start beating yourself up
  • When you blanket the world with resume and hear nothing - you can start doubting and beating yourself up
  • When you start to feel uncomfortable and you 'goof off' - fiddle, distract, lose yourself in the minor and worry and beat yourself up
  • When you resent your position.. OR want to feel angry.. OR feel helpless

The truth is that it is you wanting to bury, suppress, compensate with more goofing off when DEEP DOWN you KNOW its the most unproductive way to spend your time

SOMEONE ONCE SAID.. confusion is the SAFEST place to go when we DON'T want to HAVE to make a DECISION.

We guide you to find opportunities often missed... build alternative roadmaps to get there & leverage your network to make it possible.